Reverse Engineering: Calculator

For this project, we were tasked with expanding upon our break it apart challenge by picking one of our objects we have broken apart and reverse engineering it. This means we find the functions and origins of every component such that we could create instructions on how to recreate the object. Our group picked a Staples four function calculator. Our first step was to completely disassemble the calculator and begin research into the functions of the components. One of our first steps in researching was to give a literal description of the component into google and hope that the part would show up. This worked with the ZEBRA strips, the chip on board, and the keyboard membrane. Some components we already knew their names from previous courses such as the LCD screen. Once we knew what was inside our calculator, it was time to figure out why each component was inside it. We researched the functions and figured out how each component worked with one another to make a fully functional system. We broke the functions down into components such as how the LCD screen takes data and displays it, how the buttons correlate to binary code that represents different numbers, and how the functions (+, -, x, /) work. Once we gathered all of this information, we organized it into a report of our findings and a more simplified and condensed version which we put on a google slides presentation. 

Portfolio - Reverse Engineering Report
Portfolio - Reverse Engineering-Group 2

Gantt Chart:

2. Content

Gantt Chart

Reverse Engineering

3. Reflection

Overall this project went very well since we were very organized. I felt as if the gantt chart was a fantastic tool to learn how to use since I was able to do the tasks I was assigned to and get them in time. It made the project feel like a group project since everyone needed to equally pull their weight in order to succeed. So that being said, time management was certainly one of our strengths this project. Another one of my strengths was being collaborative in my group. We were able to split the work up according to our own strengths which allowed each of us to put our best work forward since we were working in our areas of expertise. 

However, there was definitely room for improvement in myself. I was unfocused during class time and I didn't have the greatest faith in my own work since I felt I wasn't putting in my greatest effort. I can certainly improve on being a better and more focused group member in class so that I can make the most out of our limited class time. I also feel like I could improve on my research skills since I felt as if I didn't dig deep enough to find the answers I was looking for. Especially when researching parts since that is an important skill I can see myself applying to my future capstone project.