Intergalactic Planetary

By Jenna Nottingham and Antonia Doyle

For this project, we started in our group of four, and made model 1,2,3 and 4. Then we split into partners and made model 5. Below are the models that me made and the description of what they are.

Model 1,2 and 3

On this poster, we made 3 different models. Model 1, in purple, was the first model we created. We drew what we knew about our solar system. It was not very to scale, but it had all of the planets that we knew about.

Model 2, in green, we drew that models more to size scale to each other.

Model 3, in pink, is diameter of the planet, and the distance the planet is from the sun.

Model 4

Model 4 consists of find the velocity of planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Planet X.


2πr^2/t (two pi radius squared divided by time)

Model 5


We were given information about 3 planets, Planet X, Planet Y and Earth. With that information, we made predictions on what we could find with that information.


We were given two equations and used those equation to find answers for each planet, Planet X, Planet Y and Earth.

Equation for Time


Equation for your weight on the planet (if you weigh 55 kg)



I think my group worked really well together. Because we are all friends, we did get a little sidetracked sometimes, but we did end up getting everything done on time and well. One thing we could work on would be making our work a little more cleanly. Our Models 1-4 were kind of sloppy, but our Model 5 looked very good.

I think I worked hard on this project. I helped with every model, but especially Model 5, because it was a smaller group, and easier to split the work 50/50. One thing I should work on is putting my input in a little more. I did speak with my group, but I should of had more voice on how we did the project.

If I were to do this project again, I would make the first four models cleaner and have more information.