April Fool's Edition

Letter from the Editors:

As we embark on the spring of our senior year, we have been inspired, enlightened, and moved by the work of sixty years of Hilltopper history, specifically the satire, an art perfected by Needham High School students. Thus, we wanted to bring back the April Fool's Hilltopper edition. While our articles are legitimately the funniest thing to ever grace the pages of the internet, our letter from the editors must be VERY serious. This is our legal disclaimer: These are satires. They do not represent the opinions of the writers, the editors, the wonderful Mr. Flaggert, or even Hilly the Hilltopper. They are jokes and we hope you will laugh, not cry and tattle about our edition to the Needham Facebook group. Even if you are from Wellesley (we don't want you here!) or you're a bad junior driver, please don't take this personally. We love you very much! Thanks for your understanding, and happy April Fools Day!


Eleanor, Maddie, & Nicole

Photos by Nicole Allen and Eleanor Mackey

Breaking: Needham Proven to Be Better Than Wellesley

By Eleanor Mackey and Nicole Allen

Recently Nicole Allen and Eleanor Mackey entered into an important study of the difference between Wellesley and Needham, a topic of discussion that has been plaguing the two towns for as long as anyone can remember.

Photo Courtesy of "The Swellesley Report"

Five Date Spots Other Than Trulys

By Rachel Talcoff and Hallie Komessar

After months spent alone in self-isolation, it seems as though a new wave of highschool hopeless romance has spread about; of such couples, we have seen a colossal amount venture to a deeply treasured local venue: Truly Yogurt.

Photo by Nicole Allen

Junior Drivers = Best Drivers

By Talia Bloom and Peyton Whirley

We truly are impressed by the confidence new drivers portray. They seem to have no qualms while behind the wheel. We just hope their Jeep Wranglers are up to safety standards!

Picture This: Fashion @ Needham High School

Photo Courtesy of CNN
StuAct - Sports

The Madness of March

By Abigail Sprinsky

As we approach the end of March, the Needham High School staff reflects on their least favorite month of the year to teach. Why, you might ask? It’s not because the nice weather is distracting kids from their work. It’s because of the NCAA college basketball tournament known as March Madness.

Note: Photo origins cannot be disclosed (confidential)

Reopening the Pool

By Sydney Baker

With the administration planning to send us back to school full time, one question lingers in the minds of the students: when will the pool reopen?

Debate: Which Is the Best Staircase and Bathroom?

Do students even care about which staircase they use? You may think that a staircase is simply a staircase and should be chosen based on location and convenience. However, I am here to tell you that you are wrong. Same goes for the second most important part of the high school building (after the staircases of course): the bathrooms!

By Christine Mittaz

By Reina Hneidi

Photo by Nicole Allen

Ranking the Best Hangout Spots in Needham

By Evie Lockwood Mullaney and Chloe Shigueta

Hint: it's not Truly's Yogurt.

Image Courtesy of the Boston Herald

Dear School Commissioner...

By Alex Goodale

I wanted to personally thank you for forcing high schools to go back to full in-person learning. I just love it when the state takes away individual school power… it’s for the greater good, right?

Photo Courtesy of Reina Hneidi

Who are the Most Attractive Needham High School Students?

By Bayley Basson

In preparation for this much-needed summer fun, one of the most asked questions is, what do Needham High schoolers find attractive?

Photos to Put on the Wall Outside the Athletic Office

desperate for more hilarious hilltopper satire? we know.

check out some satires from the last 60 years of The Hilltopper down right here!