KALPA’s Professional Development Management System for GRPS is a comprehensive system designed to track and manage, at the individual level, the professional development activities of teachers, staff, and administrators. The information provided below will support you in utilizing this system successfully.
Q: How do I log into KALPA?
A: KALPA Log-in Instructions:
Web address: pd.grps.org
District ID: 41010
Login ID/Password: Use your GRPS log-in credentials
Q: How do I search and register for a course?
A: To search and register for a course:
Log into KALPA
Click “Registration” on the main page
Search for the course by entering course name/ keyword, location, course ID#, and/or date range in the text boxes above the list of courses
Click “search” or press “Enter”
Click on the green “Register” link next to the name of the desired course
Click “OK” to confirm your registration Note: In addition to a success message in a pop-up window, an automatic message is sent via email for successful registrations.
Q: How do I cancel courses in my PD Plan?
A: To cancel a course:
Click on the pencil to the left of the course name in your PD Plan
A blue-colored status drop-down menu will appear. Click “cancel my registration”
Click the green check to save your changes
Q: How do I move a course to another requirement?
A: To move a course that can apply to more than one PD requirement:
Click on the pencil to the left of the course name in your PD Plan
Click on the “Apply to” in the drop-down menu that will appear
Click on the preferred PD requirement (NOTE: If you do not see a requirement, it means the course cannot be moved there.)
Click the green check to save your changes
Q: How can courses taken outside of the district be reflected in my KALPA PD Plan?
A: Staff submits documentation from supervisor approved course into KALPA through a process called “special request.” Instructions can be found on this site, Infohost, and the KALPA bulletin board
Q: Why is there a discrepancy between my tag totals and number of PD credit earned in each requirement?
A: GRPS tags are calculated based only on courses that have been offered through the GRPS catalog. For instance, only courses pre-approved for SCECH credit can carry the SCECH tag. Therefore, Special Requests will not carry the SCECH tag
Q: Who do I contact if I have additional questions or concerns regarding KALPA?
A: Please contact the facilitator of the course if:
Your attendance needs to be validated (course says "Update" after you attended)
Changes/updates to attendance
Course in PD Plan says “Taken” but “0” or incorrect PD credit reflected. This must be resolved ASAP to ensure SCECH credit is issued correctly.
Please contact your supervisor if:
Pending approval for Special Request submitted
Key card issues
Please contact Human Resources if:
Your Supervisor alignment in KALPA is incorrect
Please contact Helpdesk if:
You need support to log into KALPA
Please contact the Professional Learning Office if:
You need the appropriate PD Requirements reflected in your PD Plan
You need adjustments to the required hours for each PD requirement due to late hire, less than fulltime status, or an approved leave of absence
Any questions re: instructions or additional support needed such as:
Searching for courses in the KALPA catalog
Registering/canceling courses
Uploading courses to KALPA
PD transcripts