HS Guidance

Career Cruising

Got Goals?

Do you have an idea about what you want to do after high school, but aren't sure how to achieve it? Are you concerned because you have no idea and need a plan?

Career Cruising can help!

What is Career Cruising?

Career Cruising is an interactive career resource designed for people of all ages. If you want to find the right career, explore different career options, or plan future education and training, check this out!

What tools are available?

Career Matchmaker, Explore Careers, Education & Training, Create Your Own Portfolio, Take a Career Quiz, Research Careers, Majors and Post Secondary Institutions

What is the website? www.careercruising.com

Do I need a username/password? Yes!

Username: Franklin Password: Knights

Can this website be accessed at home? Yes!

This is a web based program that students and parents can use at home and school.