How to Print Course Selection & Other myBlueprint Info

by Talal M

Print final result (MyBluePrint).mp4
Please refer to this video if you are having trouble.

1) Navigate to the Top-Right and Click Your Name

Once the list is open, your greeted with multiple options, not to worry, look at the 4th option called “Download & Print” and click that

2) Select What to Print

Select the options you wish to download or print. You may select more than one.

3) Click “Print”

You're almost there!

4) Configure Print Settings

Configure the print settings according to your preferences, such as the number of copies, page orientation, and page size.

5) Click "Print" or "Save"

Once you have set the print options, click the "Print" button to send the document to your printer, or click "Save" if you selected "Save as PDF".

If you chose to print, make sure to verify the print job has been sent to the correct printer and that it is printing correctly.

See Also
