Google Docs Tips

by Bill Huang, Elizabeth Khan, Alexa Radicevic

Paragraph Styles

Paragraph styles allow you to easily keep your text and fonts in your document consistent.

The dropdown is located left of the font dropdown. You can click any of the styles to format your current paragraph to match that style.

Paragraphs styled as Title or any of the Headings will appear in the document outline to the left, which allows you to jump to them in the doc. 

You can also save your set up styles to automatically be used when you create new documents like so.
Headings will appear in the document outline.
Updating the styles will change all text of that preset automatically.

Automatic Indentation

In order to follow the steps in this section, you must be able to see the document ruler.

If you do not see the ruler, make sure that Show ruler under View is checked.

First Line Indent (for paragraphs)

Hanging Indent (for bibliographies)

Version History

Version History.webm

Renaming a Doc

Renaming Document.webm



Download a Doc

Downloading a Doc.webm

Find Word or Phrase

Find and Replace

Find & Replace.webm