How to Log In to myBlueprint

by Tamia Savariau

Method 1

1) Click the "Log In" Button

The button can be found in the top right corner of the page.

2) Click the “School Account Login” Button

This will allow you to be automatically be signed in within your school board account.

3) Select Your School Board

Select your district school board name then click on “Login with School Account”.

Method 2

1) Click the "Log In" Button

The button can be found in the top right corner of the page.

2) Sign in With Email & Password

Put in your email address and password.

2) Click "Log In"

Click “Log In” to log into myBlueprint.

Method 3

1) Click the "Log In" Button

The button can be found in the top right corner of the page.

2) Click the "QR Code Login" button

Then scan your QR code. Once the QR Code has been scanned and it has said “Success”, it will automatically log you into the site.

See Also
