AC4.2 Explain how social changes affect policy development

Social values, norms and mores

Norms and values

Norms refers to behaviour and attitudes which are considered normal, while values are those things that people consider important to them. Functionalists believe that all members of society are socialised into these norms and values, first through the family and later through institutions such as education, the media and religion. It is in this secondary socialisation that people learn universalistic values rather than just those particular values to their own family or community.


Mores are moral norms, meaning they have an element of right or wrong. Some examples of mores include lying, stealing, gossiping, bullying, and trespassing. 


Public perception of crime: drink driving

Demographic changes:  Immigration and racism

Cultural changes and continuing discrimination.

Cultural changes and LGBT rights

Facts and figures - Continuing discrimination

Other alternative examples/extension topics

Amnesty International