AC4.1Assess the use of criminological theories in informing policy development

Biological theories influencing policies.

Biochemical processes

Crime Control Policies

Drug treatment



The articles below are both posted with a warning that some might find the content upsetting

Individualistic theories influencing policies.

Genetic theories: eugenics


Psychoanalysis refers both to a theory of how the mind works and a treatment modality. In recent years, both have yielded to more research-driven approaches, but psychoanalysis is still a thriving field and deals with subjective experience in ways that other therapies sometimes do not.

Operant learning and token economies

Aversion therapy and Eysenck's theory

Cognitive theories and CBT

Think First programme


Aggression Replacement Training (ART)

ART is a programme for violent or aggressive offender.

Sociological theories influencing policies

Merton and subcultural theories

Crime control and punishment policies

Merton's Strain theory has been used to to inform policies on crime control and crime reduction.n Various methods can be employed such as:

  • Policies to tackle poverty

  • Equal opportunities in school

  • Education in prison

Labelling theory

Right realism

Left realism

  1. Policies to reduce inequality

2. Democratic policing


3. A multi-agency approach

New Labour policies

Surveillance theories