AC1.1 Analyse the different types of crime

White collar crime

Organised Crime

BBCi player: Panorma from 13 September 2021

Panorama unveils new revelations about the corrupt practices deployed by one of Britain’s biggest companies. Six years ago, reporter Richard Bilton revealed how British American Tobacco made secret payments to politicians and civil servants in East Africa. Now the programme uncovers evidence of bribery in South Africa and Zimbabwe. It shows how the multi-billion pound British company secretly paid almost 200 informants as part of a covert operation to damage its competitors.  

Moral crimes

State crimes

Political Crimes

Social and Cultural Crimes

Economic Crimes

Crimes by Enforcement

Technological crimes

Distributed Denial of Service


Cyber bullying


Revenge Porn


Individual crimes: hate crime

Individual crimes: 'honour' crime

Individual crimes: domestic abuse