The Man Who Played The Violin 

1)Do we perceive beauty?

yes, every person has their own beliefs that determine whether they find someone attractive or unattractive. These are formed by perceptions of beauty. 

2)Do we stop to appreciate it?

I don't think we stop and appreciate beauty enough because we all have our own lives and things going on, and most of the time appreciating someone else's beauty is low on that list. 

3)Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

Yes because its in an unexpected place which makes the talent unique and beautiful because not everyone can do it. Finding talent in a unforseen way creates the sense of individuality and makes it a good different.

4)If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?

We are missing out on a great deal of things. The more we pass by things without appreciating and take them for granted the more we are missing out on the wonders of the world that make it so rewarding and fun to be on.

5)How can you apply what you READ today to your own feature story when you write it after Christmas?

I can apply what I read today to my own feature story by using it as an insporation of what my story could be like. Aiming to have the same pwoerfully message like the reading did today.