Current Events Quiz #1.3


1. How old is Joe Biden's son, Hunter?

Hunter is 53 years old

2. What was the crucial thing, that a man accused of kidnapping a New York 9-year-old girl, did that led directly to his arrest?

The kidnapper left his finger prints on the mailbox; leading direct to his arrest.

3. List 3 of the top-10 cities people coming to ALC are from?

Three cities people come from to go to ALC are; Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth.

4. Who does Travis Kelce give most of the credit for Taylor Swift becoming his "friend" (give me their names)?

Travis gives most of the credit to Charissa Thompson and Erin Andrews for posting on instagram asking Taylor Swift to go on a date with him.

5. Why is the discovery of two Jupiter-sized planets in space so interesting, according to researchers?

Because these object have been found inside Orion Nebula, which we previously believed only formed stars but are actually capable of forming planet sized objects.

Long response:

A)Representative, Matt Gaetz, tried to force a vote on the removal of speaker Kevin McCarthy from his post. Leading to a showdown between McCarthy and critics. 

B) The motion to vacate means any single lawmaker can make a motion and the House holds a vote within two legislative days; deciding whether a presiding officer should be in that position or not. 

C) McCarthy has two days to respond to this motion. He cannot avoid some sort of vote on this topic. Although he can try to delay the vote.

D)One reason republicans want to remove Gaetz is because they think that the speaker had allowed President Biden to take his "lunch money in every negotiation"; further adding to their stance on wanting to remove Gaetz from his position. 

E) I think that in-fight within members of the same party isn't beneficial because you need a majority vote to successful prove your party. You need curitulating ideas but not fighting or else you divert away from, the topic at hand. 

F) I think the government is and isn't working for me and my family at the same time. This is because most of the time there is lots of bias in government and they often think of them and their needs not for everyone and the common man,including me and my family. But also not every person in government is only looking out for themselves; but their opinions may differ from my parents affecting our normal.