Huntington and earthquakes

Janice Jones, a survivor? Faced with death, janice beats the odds. Her dog knocking the her handgun to the ground as the bullet spirals through the air passing into the side of the car. Inches away from the gas tank.

According to Tammy Rye, California Highway Patrol press, stated, "It could have been worse, the bullet was found two inches away from the gas tank.” 

Her 9mm handgun was knocked off a chair by her dog. All happening while she sat eating pork chops on the back of her motorhome; parked on a beach off Highway 1.

"Her dog knocked her 9mm handgun off a seat. The weapon discharged when it hit the floor, and the bullet passed through Jones; leg and through the side of the vehicle," said Rye.

Jones was taken to Huntington Beach Hospital and later to Irvine Medical Center.

"We cannot give any other information at this time, all I can say is Jones will have a full recovery." said Huntington's Beach Hospital spokesperson , Jim Washington.

Jones' dog, Tombo, was placed in care of the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers. 

"Tombo was found malnourished and signs of abuse were apparent, with fresh cigarette burns on his forehead," said Animal Control officer,Janet Ngo.

The county’s district attorney’s office considers charging Jones for both not having license plates; and lack of permit for the gun. Recent entail suggests animal abuse charges have been added as well.

Rye said officers cited Jones and are now waiting for the district attorney's office to decide on final charges. 

On Monday morning, an earthquake struck San Francisco Bay area. Killing two people and leaving mayhem behind.

"A building housing McHenry’s Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six others," claimed Jennifer Vu, public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department. 

Local, Mike Beamer, whose apartment is across from McHenry's Auto shop describes a spinning motion that lasted for 30 seconds, interrupted by a large jolt in between.

“I was eating my breakfast when the room started spinning. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That’s when the screaming start across the street,” said Beamer.

In attempts to secure the auto supply shop, Haywards firefighters used ropes. They also administered a search of the building and capped the gas line, after finding a gas leak from within. 

The firefighters stated that the supply shop is, "officially under control."

The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4, on the richter scale, running under Hayward Hills. 

"The earthquake occured on the Hayward fault line, causing strong quakes," said Gertz, a Scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park.

Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse.

Jamie Gordon, a fellow neighbor close to the supply shop, said,"The only way I can explain the noise is how I imagine an alien ship sounds when crashing onto Earth. After taking cover of course, I ran to my window and saw the many paramedics and such arriving to McHenry's."

Hayward Hills reacted quick in the presences of emergency, leaving no time to spare.

"Some personnel arrived within 4 minutes," said Vu.

Three people were injured enough to require hospitalization.

"Those three people were transported to the Hayward General Hospital, and were awaiting further information," Vu stated.

Families and friends help bulit the city back up after the earthquake. Providing care for those in need.

"We started the Hayward rebuilding center to help in any way we can. As of right now we have places for people to stay, blankets, waters,food, and other necessities as people get back on their feet," head organizer Jennifer Doober said.