Current events quiz 

Short response:

1.United Nations General Assembly 

2.Austins office of Homeland Security launched emergency preparedness classes this year.

3. Since December 2021

4. The X-Box will have 2TB of storage


Long response: 

A- United Auto Workers are threatening to go on strike if they dont see huge improvement in contracts negotiations by Friday. Workers at more factories will join those already in the fifth day of strike. They plan to escalate their strike if the don't see things turning around by Friday. North American chief  is looking for common ground with the UAW(Union Auto Workers.)

B-  The UAW want to see progress in contract negotiations. In addition they also hope that the strike reduces demand for steel.

C- South Korean car maker says that auto-part makers would be hurt by a long strike. This is because the need for production could go down, making their products and goods of  less importance.

D-I think workers apart of a union should most definitely be able to demand better treatment. No matter what job you should be able to stick up for what you belive is right in order to see ay progress. Espically if you have a union you can ban together and bring this about. I belive this to a extent; when it becomes not peacefully thats where I disagree. In extreme cases maybe, but I think fighting physically is usually not the way to come about getting what you want.

E- Yes, I believe having a community and union you can use to bring awareness and justice is completely okay. I feel it would be unfair to say you have freedoms but cant use them in order to see significant changes for your life. A union is like a family and It shouldn't be taken from anyone especially in times of conflict. 

F- I think the ability for workers to unionize has decreased over time because people may be afraid of the consequences as technology and humans have advanced. Some may even not want to risk their jobs for better prospects that could possibly not even happen.