Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. What are some of the main points you read about in the website above regarding manipulating images?

Manipulating images is very common across the media. Cropping, editing, photo shopping, etc. are all forms of photo manipulation. There are arguments concerning the violation of "journalism ethics". Believing the acts of image manipulation goes against the standards and values of professional media. The article states a ethical photo should capture the "truth". And when manipulated too much, it will cross this line. 

B. What is the philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times regarding image manipulation?

Like many newspapers the Washington Post and the New York Times take part in photo manipulation. They've done this in several ways such as changing appearances of people to be put on the cover of the magazine. These newspapers edit and distort the original photo to draw more attention to what they find "'appealing". With new technologies it makes it harder to know if these photos are truthful or not.

C. What do you think are acceptable things you could do to an image and not cross the line unto an unethical manipulation?

I think its acceptable to manipulate photos until the point of changing someones appearance. This shows a false sense to the people of what the person truly looks like. For example cropping and adding a filter does not fully change your perception of the person, while editing to make the person's face skinnier is false and gives the wrong message. That its better in someway to be more skinny as shown when they forcibly make the model skinny. This can in force harmful stereotypes into peoples mind, that there is an ideal way to look.

D. Post the manipulation that you think was the most unethical, and explain why you think it was unethical. Please write at least 2-3 sentences explaining why you think it is so bad. 

I think this photo is the most unethical. This photo has been edited to make Kim skinner. I think this is horrible because it gives the idea that its wrong to look the way she did before. That being skinnier is pretty or better. This gives audience a false sense of "perfection" as we only see the manipulated photo. This can make people feel insecure to think the editor thought her "before" wasn't good enough.

E. Post the manipulation that you consider the least unethical, and explain why you think it is not as bad as others. Please write at least 2-3 sentences explaining why you think this one is not so bad.

I believe this photo is the least unethical because it only puts the persons face onto the original. The photo seems funny and lighthearted. The intention of this photo is to promote the movie Brokeback Mountain  with heath ledgers face pasted on the right side. I think this is harmless and promotes the movie.