The Man Who Played The Violin 

In a commonplace environment at an unexpected hour:

Do we perceive beauty?

I believe that we don't always see or appreciate beauty because we take things for granted in our lives. For instance, many people don't even acknowledge others because they are so focused on their selves and work lives that they miss out on the beauty in their surroundings. So, when we are greeted with an amazing musician on the street we keep walking because all we see is our future and what we need to finish. 

Do we stop to appreciate it?

Our world is so busy and we can get lost in it because we are expected to work, learn, and create amazing things in just one period of time. For example, when traveling you have the ability to see culture all around but your so focused on your own plans that you don't even see everything around you. So, when we see something as beautiful as nature or an amazing musician we keep walking expecting to see it the next day. 

Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

No, because when we see something unexpected we either ignore it or keep walking pretending that its normal because we don't realize the beauty and importance in simple things. Overall, when we don't know information about a context we begin to oversee talent no matter the beauty because we don't expect to notice such things. 

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?

All around the world people are so selfish and focused on their own lives that their missing out on important experiences including connecting with communities or falling in love. We are also not recognizing so many beautiful occurrences in nature, friendships, and talents because we don't appreciate our surroundings. 

How can you apply what you READ today to your own feature story when you write it after Christmas?

After reading the article by Washington Post, I realized for my own feature story I need good hooks and clear statements. Plus I need to have a main message and enough information in my story to keep it intriguing for my readers to stay connected with the story.