Podcast Preview 

1. What is a Podcast?

Simply put, a podcast is an audio programme, just like Talk Radio, but you subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like.

2. What are some of the advantages of Podcast has over traditional radio?

You can listen to a podcast whenever and wherever you want. 

3. Where do most people listen to a podcast, according to the website?

Most people listen to podcasts through their headphones, speakers, or in the car. 

4. What are a couple of differences between a professional Podcast versus a homemade version?

A professional podcasts are great to listen to but take a lot more time and money to produce. The amateur shows, on the other hand, might have a few rough edges, but it means they can get it out, every single week, and grow a loyal following.

5. What is the difference between a Podcast and a Podcast Episode?

A podcast is a series of episodes, and refers to the programme as a whole. Then, a podcast episode is just one recording from that entire Podcast.

6. What are the four most common types of Podcasts?

7. In a sentence or two, please describe each of the four common types of Podcasts. Make sure to give a specific example for each that someone could listen to.

A conversational podcast is where there are discussions between hosts and guests about the guests personal history or knowledge on a topic and an example is The NPR Politics Podcast. A narrative fiction podcast is where there is storytelling about true events or topics and an example is S-Town. A scripted fiction podcast is where they story tell about sci-fi fantasies and historical fiction comedies and an example is Edith. A repurposed content is where content creators, from brands to bloggers to TV shows, repackage their content and an example is TED Talks Daily.  

8. List the top-10 Podcasts for 2022

9. Where can you access Podcasts? List 2-3 places where you can find them.

I would do a conversational podcast because then you could invite guests to interview and you would be allowed to have other hosts working alongside you. 

The fashionistas, food experts, and high school values. 

Microphone, chairs, speakers, and screens.