Media Literacy 

2. NBC, Observer, and The Guardian. 

3. ABC News, BBC, and The Hill.

4. Counter Punch, Left Voice, and Black Agenda Report. 

5. Facts are the true non-biased information. 

6. Opinion is some one's view of a situation without knowledge or facts. 

7.  Informed opinion is a opinion that has true facts.

8.  You'll find facts from the main source of information or by reliable websites for The Dispatch.

9. The websites I interview like the Pew Research Center can give me informed opinions 

10. Opinions may creep into my writing because of my biased beliefs. 

11. Some specific words are I or my because I'm directly stating my opinion.

12. The first amendment.

13. The first amendment directly says that you have the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition.  

14. The purpose of media/journalism is to inform viewers of their surroundings. 

15. The headlines of the three articles are all being 

16. Yes, because they all use the same phrasing that is opinionated or biased. 

17. So both news websites can have diverse sets of information compared to everyone else. 

18. No, because the media should see all sides of a story. 

19. Yes, because viewers may want non-biased or biased story's to have the ability to connect with articles based on their own beliefs. 

20.  Yes, because you should always be open to other peoples opinions even if you don't agree with them. 

21. Media should use trusted websites, information, and witnesses when writing their story.