Opinion Story #2 Brainstorm

1. List three emotions you've experienced the past week. What triggered them?

I've felt stressed, scared, and nervous this past week because of my grades. 

2. List three things or situations that have given you a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment.

I won my soccer game! I got a hundred on my math test and caught up on all my assignments.

3. List three things you worry about.

I worry about grades, being good at sports, and family.

4. List three things that frustrate you.

My brother, spam callers, and bullies. 

5. List three things you need.

I need water, food, and technology. 

6. List three things you think teachers worry about.

Their students, lesson planning, and emails. 

7. List three things you think give teachers a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment.

Finishing grading, neat slideshows, and organized classrooms.  

8. List three things you like about your school/community.

My friends, neighbors, and clubs. 

9. List three things you dislike about your school/community.

Clothing choices, expectations on how to look, and judgment. 

10. Identify and briefly describe one TREND you have noticed around school, in the media, in pop culture, in your community.

One trend in the media right now is a clothing choice of low-waisted jeans. 

Three topics: