Current Events #2.1

4. Mathew Perry was nominated for an Emmy in 2002 and was also nominated in 2021 for executive producing of "Friends".

5. The Texas Rangers won 3-1 in the third game of the World Series. 

A. Summarize what you read?

On Tuesday, Israeli's air strike hit a refuge camp in north Gaza, Palestinian. Where 50 Palestinian civilians were killed and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed calls to stop the fighting. 

B. Explain in your own words what you know about the 

Israeli/Palestinian conflict (feel free to bring in additional information you didn't get in this story, if you have it).

I know that the conflict between Israeli and Palestinian includes several wars. Also that the conflict began in the 19th century. 

C. Explain what is happening in Gaza to the civilians living there, based on what you read from the article.

In Gaza the civilians are either being caught or killed during the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Also that many are suffering from low supplies like food, water, medicine, and water. 

D. When two opposing groups go to war, and send in their troops (whether they are officially trained military members or loose groups of men/women fighting together or something in-between), how can we best serve those in the middle who have nothing to do with the war itself (the civilians)?

Civilians can be protected by safe houses. Also many can be given shelter in shops from the troops. 

E. What should the US do in response to this war, in your opinion?

In my opinion 

In my opinion the US shouldn't yet have their troops help with this conflict because it can become to political. Although, helping with the innocent civilians would be a good approach for the US to seem neutral. 

F. Compare your thoughts on this war, versus the war in the Ukraine?

I believe that the conflicts are very similar because they are both countries fighting over territory. Also they're both long lasting fights that are negatively effecting their civilians.