Week 2 at a Glance

Social Studies

Iowa History

Last week you should have shared information on the counties you were given the last day before break. This week you will share information on one of the other two two counties assigned to you. Please email me if you need help with which county to complete next.

North American exploration

Read through Chapter 3 lesson 4 in your textbook (pages 136-141) and take notes using the outline in your S.S. Binder from our first week of S.S. (Please email me if you need a copy of these pages.)

People: Can be 1 person or a group of people and includes where they are from and what they are doing.

Places: Where are people going or where are they coming from

Ideas: What impact does this have on history; why are we needing to know about this information (the first to... ; the location eventually became...)

Vocabulary: the word, the definition, and the page number

By the end of the week create a timeline of early exploration of the Northwest Passage. Submit this by sharing a google doc or taking a picture of what you have created and emailing it to me. I encourage creativity.

Also, begin mapping the various locations on a map of North America.


Chapter 7: understanding multiplying fractions.

Monday: 7.7 Investigating area and mixed numbers

Textbook pages 317-320

Practice book pages 157-158

Tuesday: 7.8 Comparing mixed number factors and products

Textbook pages 321-324

Practice book pages 159-160

Wednesday: 7.9 Multiply mixed numbers

Textbook pages 325-328

Practice book pages 161-162

Thursday: 7.10 Problem solving

Textbook pages 329-332

Practice book pages 163-164

Friday: Review for Chapter 7 test

Textbook pages 333-338

Practice book pages 165-166

5W Reading: Unit 5 week 5


Introduce vocabulary: Unit 5 Week 5 google doc

Respond to essential question: How do natural events and human activities affect the environment?

Read "Dams: Harnessing the Power of Water". Then apply the comprehension strategy, identifying the authors point of view, by finding the benefits and drawbacks of dams. Provide evidence from the article to support you answer. Answers should have proper grammar, punctuation, and include information that clearly gives credit to the article.

Begin new spelling list (*Both lists have similar words and focus on the same pattern. Typically 15 or more words are the exact same.):

Blue Group (grade level expectation)

Green Group (provides a slight challenge by adding inflectional endings and other slight variations)

Grammar worksheet: Irregular comparative and superlative forms; comparing with "good". Page 121

*A link to the complete grammar packet.


Read “Should Plants and Animals from Other Places Live Here?” in small Wonders book and respond to the questions at the bottom of page 369.

Practice spelling words using similar strategies you would have on a typical week.

Grammar worksheet: Page 122


Read "What is the Future of the Rain Forests?" (Fluency packet sent home or found here). Have a family member time you for 1 minute and then mark where you stopped. Continue to finish the story and complete the comprehension questions. Record your timed information at the bottom of the last page. Try it a second time and see if you improve!

Practice spelling words using similar strategies you would have on a typical week.

Grammar worksheet: Page 123


Read "The Case of the Missing Bees" and answer the questions in the selection quiz.

Practice spelling words using similar strategies you would have on a typical week.

Grammar worksheet: Page 124


Take the weekly assessment. (Found on Wonders site or PDF here)

Complete a spelling test by having a family member read the words to you or watching the video under the Reading tab.

Grammar: Quiz Page 125

Writing prompts

  • March 30th is Doctors' Day! Imagine and describe what the world would be like without doctors.
  • Patty Smith Hill, the author of the lyrics to "Happy Birthday to You," was born on March 27, 1868. In honor of her birthday, create a new version of her song. (Send a video of you singing it!)
  • Explain what "The early bird catches the worm" means to you. (Great idiom!)
  • April 2nd is International Children's Book Day. Pretend that you are a children's book that has been sitting on a library shelf for weeks without being checked out. What would you say to convince someone to check you out?
  • What TV show family is most like your family? What are the similarities and differences? Explain.

Bonus poetry: April is national poetry month. Use the following to inspire you to write a poem.

    • Pretend that you are a raindrop. Describe what you see and do on your adventure through the water cycle.

***Remember, not all poetry rhymes. Lyric poems don't and are often related to nature. Look back to Unit 4 Week 5 in Wonders to see some examples of lyric poetry.