Week 1 at a Glance

Social Studies

We will continue to work on our 99 counties for our great state!

Head to the S.S. tab to fill out information you have gathered on your county for the Diocese of Des Moines.

We will also be reading about how other countries began to settle North America. What other countries were interested in this new world? What areas of North America did those countries claim? What groups of settlers have you heard about? Head to the S.S. tab to put in predictions. I will post some of your predictions starting Wednesday to help guide our search for answers.


Chapter 7: understanding multiplying fractions.

  • Review strategies from before break
  • Compare the products
  • Continue work on multiplying fractions by fractions and fractions by whole numbers
  • Strategies to identify if a product needs to be reduced or turned from an improper fraction to a mix number
  • Mid-Chapter check to see understanding of strategies and operations

5W Reading

  • Reading:
    • Cause and Effect: Using expository texts to identify text structures
    • Greek roots: astro-, bio-, hydro-, etc
  • Writing
    • In your writing journal or on a google doc respond to one of the following prompts (There are 5 so you can do one a day.):
      • If you and your family were stranded on a desert island, list ten things you would want to have with you that do not require electricity.
      • Imagine that during a sleepover you friend tells you that they are scared because they think there is a monster in their closet. What would you do to help calm then down and make then feel safe?
      • Think about the student who might be sitting in your classroom chair next year. What can he or she expect from your teacher and the year to come?
      • Music can be relaxing and can bring back good memories. What are some of your favorite songs, and how do they make you feel?
      • The last week in March is National Cleaning Week. Describe what your house or school would look like if no one ever cleaned it.
  • Grammar
      • Comparative and superlative adjectives (biggest, littler, etc)
      • Spelling: This week we are focusing on adding the suffixes -less and -ness