Nefarious Nature

By Joe Fraser

Fraser Declamation.mp3

Nature hates me and I also hate nature.

One day, when I was four years old, my mom asked me how my day was as she unclipped me from my car seat. Suddenly, I saw a small bird fly into the car! My mom screamed, ran away, and slammed the door with a loud bang!  I was trapped inside the car with a panicking bird. I started to scream, “Get me out!” Meanwhile, the bird flew around, hitting everything, and making loud squawking noises. After what felt like half an hour, my Mom opened all the doors of the car and the bird flew out. In my tiny four-year-old mind I realized that nature was not my friend. 

 I recently got allergy tests to prepare for the spring season. I mainly got tested for all sorts of natural things. They had to poke me with a bunch of needles which I strongly dislike, eventually, they finished, and my arm puffed up like a balloon immediately. Turns out I was allergic to all types of trees, all types of grass, all types of weeds, and both kinds of dust mites because apparently there are two.

Another time when nature messed with me, was when I sat outside near my dad’s smoker with my Mom and one of her friends. I saw something black and white move inside the smoker. I thought it must’ve been a part of my imagination. But my mom’s friend noticed the skunk sticking its little snout out of the smoker like it was amused about how we hadn't reacted yet. It pushed the door open and started to walk toward us. My mom and I noticed. We all jumped up and my mom’s friend yelled, “There's a skunk in the smoker!”  We all screamed and ran away from nature. “Did anyone get sprayed?” my mom asked once we were safely insied. Thankfully no one got skunk spray on them. 

Nature messed with me yet again on a fateful day. I was taking out the trash for my neighbors, as I usually do. I get to the house on the top of the hill, it's looming over me like a haunted mansion. I walk slowly down the driveway.  I kick the trash cans. I do this to make sure there is trash in the cans because sometimes there isn’t. I couldn’t tell from the first kick if there was anything inside of the can. I slowly opened the lid and it creaked open. There wasn’t anything in it except for what I first thought was a durian fruit which is a spiky, and stinky fruit, and the thing at the bottom of the can was spiky and smelled like something rotten, so they matched. After looking at this thing for a few seconds the light attached to the garage turned on and I saw it,  a black and grey patterned animal with a little snout staring with its dead eyes, and little paws pointing up. As if it were trying to get out, like it died this way just to scare me at this moment. It was a raccoon who kicked the can, in the can. I dropped the lid, and it crashed loudly. I screamed, and ran away out of the driveway. After this, I now always double-check all the cans, with a kick and a look inside to make sure nature doesn’t scare me again.

Because of all this, I have come to the conclusion that nature hates me and I feel the same about nature.