Hidden Hardships

By Ian Loeffler-Kaplan

Loeffler-Kaplan Declamation voice recording.m4a

“Oliver!!!, Oliver!!!, Oliver!!!!!!!!,” his mother yells. Oliver slams the door while frantically cramming his Geometry textbook and soccer cleats into his backpack wondering why he needs to know how to prove similar triangles. He rushes down the stairs in a panic and reaches for the knob at the front door. Before he can make his escape his mom grabs his shoulders and reminds him, “Oliver, please don’t fail another math test, or we are going to have to disown you!” She hands him his lunch practically pushing Oliver outside the door and to the car. 

Liam’s Mom wakes him up and states in a quiet tone, “Wake up, I need to drive you to school, you can eat your breakfast as we drive.” As they creep towards the front door, Liam already knows the daily routine. His mom wakes him up before his dad, not wanting his father’s hangover to ruin Liam’s first day of school. They flee to the car and start to drive. Liam asks his mom, “Will you be ok with him?” She says, “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Despite these words, Liam’s old enough to know, this is a lie.

At school, Oliver exits his car, relieved of his Mother’s pressing lectures. He confidently walks across the halls, being greeted by several of his classmates and friends, most of whom are from his soccer team. The bell rings, and realizing he is late for first period, Oliver dashes across the corridors and enters the classroom. He is scorned by the teachers for his tardiness; however, he neglects to react and glances at Liam snickering across the room while whispering to one of his friends. Oliver assumes it was about him; however, he is numb to Liam’s nasty comments. Liam has picked on Oliver’s poor grades since middle school.

What Oliver did not know was what Liam was actually saying to his classmate. “I feel bad, maybe I can help him with his grades in some way,” Liam says to his friend. Oliver sits down in class as the teacher begins going through the basics of trigonometry. The day goes on and after numerous classes, the students swarm the cafeteria. Students alike push and shove each other to retrieve their lunch. Liam is easily knocked around within the crowd. Suddenly, Oliver shoves Liam to the ground, stating, “Sorry, didn’t see you there, maybe cause you’re so skinny!” Liam humiliated after the ordeal remains mute as he walks away, deciding he’ll eat lunch later.

After lunch, Oliver was looking forward to PE. Excited to parade the soccer skills that he developed over the summer, Oliver entered the locker room and started to change into his soccer uniform. Shortly after, Liam joined him and began to change into his athletic gear. They were the only ones present in the locker room and the silence was so loud. That was until Liam took off his shirt; Oliver was shocked to see bruises on every surface of his upper body. “How did you get all those bruises?” Oliver asks. Liam responds in a timid tone, “These are from soccer.” In a panic, Liam puts on his shirt and exits the changing room in a hurry. “What was that? Oliver thought. No way those are from soccer. He has never seen Liam so exposed or worried, always envying him for his good grades. Maybe there was more to Liam than he originally thought. Before he could analyze the incident further, his phone started to ring.

On the brink of tears, Liam sprints out of the locker room. Distracted by the events during lunch, he completely forgot about his bruises. Liam always arrived early so no one would be there to notice them. After leaving the locker room Liam realizes that he forgot his shinguards. Before he could sneak into the locker room he overheads Oliver talking on the phone.

“What happened this time?” Olier’s mom complains.

“I studied mom, I swear I studied!”

“Do we need to find another tutor? We already waste money on this school which isn’t enough for you, why can’t you be more like your brother?”

“If I were more like Trent then I wouldn’t have any time for soccer!”

“Well…maybe you should quit, why should you be kicking a ball around when you can focus more on your studies.”

“I’m not giving it up!”

“I'm the mother, so I’m not giving you a choice”

Before Oliver could reason with her the beeping of the phone sealed his fate.

Liam sat stunned staring at Oliver’s blank expression.

And as the first tear falls down Oliver’s face they looked each other in the eyes with a sense of understanding for the first time.