The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey

Written by: Rose Bandrowski, Office of Process Improvement Intern

Author: Kenneth Blanchard

ISBN 978-0688103804

December 13, 2023

"The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey" is a management book that blends practical advice with humor that builds on the concepts of the book “The One Minute Manager” by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. The original One Minute Manager book compiles simple wisdom they learned from their experiences that teaches the reader what it means to be a good manager. "The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey” builds on the wisdom with an introduction to the concept of "monkey management," where "monkeys" symbolize problems, tasks, or responsibilities.

The story follows a young manager who has to learn effective delegation tools from a seasoned mentor, the One Minute Manager. The key concept is to avoid letting employees unload their "monkeys" onto the manager's back, causing unnecessary stress and workload. Instead, the manager should help team members take ownership of their issues, and assist where needed.

One of the concepts the book presents is the idea of holding "Monkey Meetings," where team members discuss and address the tasks they placed on their manager's back. This open communication helps distribute responsibilities more effectively and promotes a culture of accountability within the team.

The book emphasizes the importance of empowering employees to solve their problems independently while providing guidance when needed. It's a quick and practical read, offering valuable insights into time management, delegation, and fostering a more efficient and collaborative work environment. The authors present these management principles in an engaging narrative style, making it both informative and enjoyable.