Advanced Facilitation Strategies

Author: Ingrid Bens

ISBN-13: 978-0787977306

ISBN-10: 0787977306

Posted: February 2022

Summary by: Stacy Stoffregen, Process Improvement & Change Management Intern

Advanced Facilitation Strategies

Advanced Facilitation Strategies is intended to be a practical field guide for facilitators who are looking to hone their skill set. It provides strategies that aim to help you deal with complex dilemmas that may arise as you act as a facilitator. Bens defines a facilitator as one who contributes structure and process to interactions so groups can function effectively and make high-quality decisions. A facilitator is a helper and an enabler, whose goal is to support others as they achieve exceptional performance.

Most facilitation activities take place in the context of Organizational Development interventions. Bens defines Organizational Development or O.D., as the planned effort to increase organization effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the organization's processes using behavioral-science knowledge. O.D. interventions can be conducted in four ways: an individual basis, an organization-wide basis, within a single department or activity, or applied at the small-group level.

Advanced Facilitation Strategies prepares one for facilitating through this step-by-step workbook and provides anticipated issues that may arise at each stage, as well as how to resolve those issues. The book begins with a self assessment for the reader to understand their current state, areas they may want to improve, and develop a personal philosophy of facilitation. Then the book goes into the complexities of decision making, conflict management strategies, consulting strategies for facilitators, and wraps up with essential processes for facilitators. 

The skills of collaboration and facilitation are important in the complex nature of the modern workplace. Advanced Facilitation Strategies serves as a resource and toolkit for facilitators who are striving to enhance their personal competencies in these areas.