6S Method

Lean innovation and improvement is the Colorado Department of Transportation's (CDOT’s) approach to engage everyone, every day, to improve every process and product, to benefit every customer. A crucial part of the Lean approach is “6S”, a method and set of tools to help us organize workspaces to be effective, efficient and safe. 

The 6S method is a 6-step process:

6S process

The other tabs in this Excel Workbook provide you with the tools to evaluate a workspace (first 2 tabs) and then implement a plan to make that space more effective, efficient and safe. Much of the content in this document comes from the CDOT Office of Transportation Safety and the Continuous Improvement Program within the state government of Minnesota. Thank you to both organizations! 

Your team can also utilize the 6S Evaluation and Sustainment Table below in addition to the spreadsheet tool.

6S Evaluation and Sustainment

6S Evaluation and Sustainment