15-Minute Lean Simulation


Have you ever wondered how you can demonstrate some of the principles of Lean process improvement to other people? If so, try this 15-minute simulation exercise with your team to experience how the Lean process improvement methodology works!

Time required: 15 to 30 minutes

Number of people required: 4 and above

Facilitator Instructions

Depending on the number of participants, create separate teams of four people. Label each team with a number (Team One, Team Two, etc.). Within each team, assign each participant one of the following roles (there can be more than one per role): Front Line Worker, Lead Worker, Supervisor, and Manager.

Senior leaders from across the Government of Saskatchewan workplace participate in a Lean simulation exercise.

Senior leaders from across the Government of Saskatchewan workplace participate in a Lean simulation exercise. 

Provide each participant with a name tag containing their job title and team number. Separate the participants by job function: ask the front line workers to sit together as a group, the lead workers together, etc.

Provide a calculator to the Front Line Worker from each team, along with an envelope containing the simulation instructions (below), and copies of each of the three worksheets they are required to complete.

Team Instructions

Next Steps

After each team member has completed their work, each team will then have 5 to 10 minutes to re‐design the process with the end goal of improving accuracy and total turnaround time. Each team will then repeat the exercise using the re‐designed process to determine whether the new process has improved the workflow and reduced the time required to complete the exercise.

Paperwork Simulation Materials (Click to View/Download)

*Materials borrowed from our friends at the Office of Continuous Improvement in Minnesota