My Transformative Journey with CDOT

By Rose Bandrowski, Process Improvement and Change Management Intern at CDOT

December 22, 2023

The first thing I’m grateful for regarding my internship is the opportunity to explore the things I was interested in for a lifelong career. My internship started slowly, and I wasn’t sure how I wanted to get the most out of the experience. So, for the first few months, I took time to explore career paths that interested me. But since Spring 2023, I’m so grateful to say I have a much better understanding of what the future looks like compared to when I started: I’ve decided to pursue a career in environmental work! 

Bustang - a CDOT Multimodal service

CDOT’s initiatives with electric vehicles, pollinator highways, and environmental justice reminded me of my love and desire to improve sustainability practices. Once I narrowed it down to that, I understood that I could take advantage of exploring CDOT’s environmental group. First, I met with several people who had jobs similar to the ones I might be interested in and asked for advice on how to proceed best. They inspired me to put in two applications to CU Boulder’s environmental programs. Though I have not heard back on those applications yet, I’m hopeful.

Reflecting on my internship experience, I had the opportunity to work on several incredible projects and meet some amazing people as a result. One of these individuals was Veronica McCall, who agreed to mentor me in NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act) and environmental work after we met for a Sit With. She kickstarted my ability to conceptualize the work done in the environmental field, which has helped me narrow down where I might want to work. I ended up helping out with two scoping projects related to the Colorado BLVD improvement project and the Speer & 23rd project. These two projects gave me invaluable experience with GIS and other tools that I’m now able to put on my resume. I was also able to put Veronica as a reference for my graduate school applications. Thank you, Veronica! 

Excursion with CDOT interns at the Center for Traffic Monitoring Control

I also had the opportunity to work with John Kronholm. As a part of my OPI work, I was asked to interview John for his lean everyday idea. And once I looked into John's innovation, I was intrigued! For those who are unaware, John Kronholm put together research that helps size wildlife underpasses based on species. Currently, he has data on Mules, Deer, and Elk (among a few others). His research helps our road and bridge design engineers reduce the sizing of Wildlife Underpasses, allowing them to still be usable and save CDOT money.  This makes the underpasses more economical to build, potentially allowing CDOT to make more of them! It’s not a surprise this project inspired me! I have an incredible love for wildlife and animals as a whole (as an owner of two funny cats), but I can’t thank Gary enough for giving this project to me because I also had the pleasure of putting on an event to honor John’s work with our Innovations Challenge Winner award. 

Image of a backlit deer

But besides these two projects, I had an incredible amount of fun with the Office of Process Improvement team. We attended a few excursions together—my favorite of which was visiting the CTMC. This facility monitors our roadways and helps get services to people stuck on the side of the road. This is needed, especially with our dangerous and vital i70 route through the mountains. Additionally, I had the opportunity to attend a “Roadeo,” where I competed with other CDOT employees to drive a loader doing delicate tasks such as knocking a tennis ball off a safety cone. This is not an easy task, considering these vehicles weigh hundreds of tons! I highly recommend interns attend if given the chance.

Rose in a loader - likely three times as tall as they is

Excursion with CDOT interns to i-25 north construction

Gary, Jamie, and Michelle have all been fantastic guides, helping me improve and grow. Remy, Daniel, Nellie, Thessa, and Will have pushed me both professionally and personally. I learned from every single person I interacted with, and I am certain I’m better for the experience that CDOT brought me. Thank you to Gary in particular, who listened to my frustrations, ideas, and thoughts with endless patience.

Thank you to everyone who let me interview you on your work, who answered my questions, and guided me! CDOT’s work inspires me, and I plan to return in the future.