My Experience as a CDOT Intern: Neal Fesefeldt

By Neal Fesefeldt, Web Development Intern for the Office of Process Improvement

February 22, 2019

I arrived at the office this morning for my last day, and made some quick edits to the Office of Process Improvement website one last time. I realized how much I had learned here and how easy things were to do compared to when I started. This really made me realize how much I learned in my short time here at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), and appreciate all of the people who helped me out along the way.

Working as an intern for the Office of Process Improvement was a great experience. I learned a lot and got to work with some really great people during my time here. The management is extremely supportive and helpful, and really wants to see the interns succeed. My fellow interns here are all very intelligent and easy to work with, each having their own different skillset that I was able to learn from. I will definitely miss coming into this kind of work environment every morning.

Neal Fesefeldt and team

Photo of Neal Fesefeldt and team

In my short time here at CDOT, I was able to develop my skills and set myself up for success in the future. I was able to learn so much more than I expected, including many things outside of my general position. While my primary role was working as a web developer, I was also able to take on a couple of other projects, including one where I worked in project management. This is something that I had never done before, but like everything else here at CDOT, everyone that I worked with was very supportive in getting me up to speed. I am beyond grateful for the mentorship that I have received here.

The internship experience at CDOT is definitely not your stereotypical internship. The management keeps you very busy, but in a good way. All of the projects and tasks that you are given are very meaningful, and the intern is the one taking charge of everything. There is very little hand holding, and you are given the opportunity to learn how be successful. Working as a CDOT intern is not much different from being a full time employee, and I cannot recommend the program here highly enough.