Intern Success Story: Charlotte Kloska

By Ginger Kloska, Process Improvement Intern

January 24, 2020

Charlotte began her Human Resources Internship in January 2019, not fully realizing the valuable knowledge that it would give her in many other areas of business. She always wanted to pursue a career in criminal justice but first, she knew that she needed to get a degree. Charlotte began to attend college at Red Rocks Community College for a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management. She wanted to jump-start her career but needed flexible work hours to enable her to enroll in college. Her father, who is currently employed at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), found the Human Resources Internship opportunity on the state website. He told her about it and she immediately applied.

During her internship, Charlotte focused on the development of CDOT’s e-Learning training courses, tuition reimbursement, and technical training. Through these projects, she was able to grow her skills in computer technology, communication, teamwork, and project management. She also enjoyed the flexibility and longevity of the internship. This allowed her to gain a year’s worth of experience in an office environment while still being able to take classes. Not only was Charlotte able to gain tools for her future careers, but she was also able to make a lasting impact on CDOT.

Charlotte Kloska

Photo of Charlotte Kloska

Some of her projects included the development of e-Learning courses and technical training for CDOT employees, helping with the tuition reimbursement program, and organizing the Transportation Engineering Training Program. Due to her efforts, there is an increase in training resources available for external partners and CDOT’s training is more efficient and up to date.

Since finishing the internship, Charlotte has transferred to the University of Colorado Denver Business School. She knows that the valuable lessons that she learned at her internship will carry on far into her career no matter where she goes. Especially if that allows her to one day get her dream job in the Federal Bureau of Investigation.