Gaining Experience - Infusing Sustainability into Transportation

By Sydney Lund, Process Improvement Intern

May 21, 2020

I have always had a passion for sustainability, which grew immensely as I started studying sustainability formally while studying for a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business with a Concentration in Marketing and a Certificate in Sustainability Leadership from Southern Oregon University (SOU). Since my first year at SOU, I knew that I wanted to dedicate my career to working on sustainability issues within the public sector.

Sydney Lund

Photo of Sydney Lund

According to an EPA study, the transportation sector emits the largest amount of greenhouse gases than any other sector, releasing 28% of the USA’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2018. I knew that the transportation sector offered the biggest opportunity to make a sustainable impact to not only improve air quality but people's quality of life related to how people move around. When I saw a posting for a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Internship at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), I jumped at the opportunity to be able to work on sustainable transportation initiatives at the state level. Throughout my internship at CDOT, I was studying for my Master of Sustainability Leadership degree from Arizona State University, which allowed me to put the knowledge and tools that I was learning inside the classroom into a real world context.

My internship at CDOT was unique for two reasons, firstly because I was the first TDM Intern at CDOT and secondly because I worked within two different offices, including the Office of Innovative Mobility and the Office of Process Improvement. Being the first TDM intern at CDOT, I was able to take the lead on many new and innovative transportation demand management projects. One thing that I really appreciated about this internship was the ability to manage projects and work alongside CDOT Executives on these projects. Being able to lead several large projects simultaneously at CDOT allowed me to grow my project management skills, which will undoubtedly help me as a progress throughout my career.

My favorite project that I worked on at CDOT was serving as Project Lead for CDOT’s Electric Bike Pilot Project, which is one of the first projects of its kind for a USA Department of Transportation. Through this project, I worked with the Office of Innovative Mobility, Fleet Services, and Office of Transportation Safety and Risk Management to bring eight electric bikes to CDOT’s headquarters fleet to reduce the amount of vehicles CDOT employees use to drive to nearby work meetings. Through this project, I was able to work collaboratively with multiple stakeholders, create an educational training program, and help reduce the amount of vehicle miles traveled and congestion released from employee travel.

Sydney Lund test riding one the CDOT’s FattE Bikes that CDOT purchased for its e-bike pilot project.

Sydney Lund test riding one the CDOT’s FattE Bikes that CDOT purchased for its e-bike pilot project.

Additional projects that I managed at CDOT included updating the Bicycle Commuter Benefit to increase employees’ eligibility and create a simplified application process that reduced barriers. This reduced the amount of time employees and the Business Office spent processing the Bicycle Commuter Benefit. I also worked on many innovative projects in the Office of Innovative Mobility (OIM) that allowed me to expand my knowledge of micromobility and sustainable transportation. Those included working on a Micromobility Guidebook that OIM produced and provided assistance on the mobility themed Senate Bill 19-239 project. AT CDOT, I worked closely with employees to encourage them to pursue smart commuting options. I hosted tabling events, organized the Winter Bike to Work Day, led the Go-Tober Commuter Challenge, and organized carpool and vanpool lunch-n-learns. I also highlighted employees who utilize smart commuting options and provided transit training and commuting information to employees using various outlets.

Working in the Office of Process Improvement, I learned about change management and the ADKAR model for change. I was grateful for the opportunity to take CDOT’s 3-Day Change Management Course, where I learned how to best manage changes - something that I used within my work at CDOT and will continue to use throughout my career. Being able to take this Change Management Course allowed me to understand how to best manage change with a respect for people, which is one of my biggest key takeaways from this internship.

I am thankful for the opportunity to have interned at CDOT for the past 10-months, and am appreciative to have had the opportunity to learn about sustainable transportation while growing my skills in project management and change management. Following my internship with CDOT, I am staying within the transportation and TDM field, where I will join the Commuting Solutions team as the Programs and Outreach Specialist. There, I will continue to provide sustainable transportation solutions to the traveling public within the northwest metro region.