My Learning Experience as an Intern at CDOT

Chavirat Burapadecha, Process Improvement Intern

May 1, 2017

I started my part-time internship with the Colorado Department of Transportation's (CDOT's) Office of Process Improvement on April 25, 2016, and completed my internship in April 2017. I graduated from the University of Colorado Denver with a business intelligence specialization. I brought my technology skills to our team.

Our team is wonderfully diverse and has a very good combination of different skill sets. Not only can the interns learn from their mentors, but also they can learn from each other.

Chavirat Burapadecha

Photo of Chavirat Burapadecha

Thank you very much for this great internship! Here are the top three examples of how I applied my Lean knowledge with my technical skills:

Lean Everyday Idea (LEI) database

I improved the database from spreadsheets to the Lean Everyday Idea database. The database runs on a Google cloud-based system, integrates data from many Google sheets into one stunning view on the website, and keeps track of data in real time. Therefore, the database reduces the eight types of waste for the mnemonic "WORMPIIT":

Finally, thanks to Cheryl Wright and our team for brainstorming the idea of the implementation of the LEI database, including testing the prototype and the many improvements allowing us to maintain it today.

Project Management Plan Development Site for Project Management Office (PMO)

I developed the prototype website for the Project Life Cycle Process of PMO. The goal of this project was to create the standardization of CDOT project management, and digest the long-working processes into five simple steps: initiate and plan; scope; execute; monitor and control; and transition and close.

I learned how to implement the website on Plone and how to design the website to present the complex content. I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap tools to implement this website. Furthermore, I learned the project management principles and practices from Roselle Drahushak-Crow and Molly Bly. Moreover, thanks to Gary Vansuch for approving my training class on project management essentials at CDOT. It helped me increase my understanding of the CDOT project life cycle.

Additionally, Molly Bly, a former intern in the Office of Process Improvement, helped Roselle Drahushak-Crow and Jane Fisher—both in the PMO—to digest and simplify the content of the initiate-and-plan process. Although Molly and I have been limited by the ending of our internships, we were excited to help PMO to improve the efficiency of its process, and we would love to hear about the continued progress of this effort.

A Lean Traffic Data Analysis for Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO)

This project is an excellent example of how the Office of Process Improvement helps other departments to efficiently improve their processes. I was given such a great opportunity to help Lisa Streisfeld to collect traffic data from the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) and CDOT Online Transportation Information System (OTIS).

We were tasked to integrate and analyze this data into one spreadsheet, build charts and develop a summary report. Before I collected the data, I had to approach it from the "voice of the customer," thinking about what the customer would like to see in the report and what would add value to the report from the customer standpoint.

This project consisted of three assignments:







What I learned

Advice to Future CDOT Interns

I would like to thank CDOT for providing a great experience for my internship. I also had an opportunity to join big events such as CDOT's Leadership Forum, Lean Summit and Transportation Lean Forum Committee meeting. I really like the culture here; the people at CDOT are very nice, friendly, and hopeful.