Streamlining Data Entry Operations with Document Linking

By Ginger Kloska, Process Improvement Intern

February 28, 2020

Imagine having to enter the same data approximately thirty times for one project. This is exactly what happened in the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Right of Way (ROW) Plans and Acquisition forms. Not only was this system time consuming, but it left room for potential errors along the way. Trina Evans, an Engineering and Physical Science Technician from CDOT’s Northeast Region (“Region 4”), developed and implemented an improvement that eliminates repeat data entry of the same information and populates necessary documents with ease. Trina explains, “The process greatly reduces repetitive information from being typed in over and over. It allows edits/changes to be constant and easier. The next step in the process, “Mail Merge,” fills in forms to about 80-90% and makes different specialty groups, within Right of Way, information consistent.”

Photo of Trina Evans

Photo of Trina Evans

The primary use of the process focuses on Right of Way Plans. Right of Way is CDOT’s program of “acquiring, managing and disposing of real property.” One of the main goals of the program is to maintain consistency for all its functions.  This ensures that the ROW program can be delivered. As Trina discovered, entering in the same information into documents repeatedly has a high probability for errors and wastes both time and money.

How does the process work?

The process starts out with a spreadsheet containing all the basic ownership information needed for the ROW plans. This information initially had to be manually inputted into five to seven documents. With this new process, the duplicate information is linked from one location. You can link all of your inputted data and graphics to your spreadsheet. This way, there is no need to duplicate the information manually. Trina explains, “With some practice and the pre-programmed spreadsheets, you will save a lot of time, and your information will be consistent.”


The benefits for this process are immediate. As Trina demonstrated, the time and money saved are impressive enough to use this system. Not only are efficiencies created in those two areas, but this process also improves the user experience. Customer Service is one of CDOT’s values and Document Linking provides both the internal and external users with a beneficial experience with the ROW Program. Users can rely on data being complete and accurate and can access the information faster.

Looking Ahead

While the Document Linking process is effective, there is still more room to innovate and grow. Trina explains that the next step is spreading the word and gathering more users to interact with the process. This way more ideas can generate on how to improve and add even more impactful changes. Trina hopes that others will be able to use her idea in their own way and customize it to work for them. Once developed more, Document Linking has the potential to be adopted by other groups across the state.

Want to see in detail how this innovation works? Look at Trina’s Instruction Guide.