NEW! CDOT’s Concept to Project (C2P) Program

Working to support the delivery of successful business improvement projects, increasing transparency and ensuring that everyone impacted by change is successful with that change. 

Written By: Michelle Malloy, Senior Program Manager

Edited By: Victoria Farberov and Kelly Hanson, Interns in the Office of Process Improvement 

August 5, 2021

Concept to Project logo

The Colorado Department of Transportation's (CDOT’s) Office of Process Improvement (OPI) is excited to announce the launch of the Concept to Project (C2P) Program.  The initial goals of C2P are to:

The program is anticipated to ‘go-live’ in early August with the release of CDOT’s New C2P Hub. The C2P Hub (Internal Website) will be a very robust and informative website that will add value to all CDOT’ers. The program is being led by Senior Program Manager Michelle Malloy and is being designed by a cross-functional team consisting of employees from a wide range of CDOT offices. 

Please continue reading to find out more about 1) why C2P is important, 2) the key benefits it provides for CDOT’s employees, supervisors, project teams, and leaders, and 3) to learn about the C2P team.  

First, What is a Business Improvement Project and Where do they Originate?

CDOT is known for its design and construction projects and we have successfully been delivering these projects for over 100 years!  There is another type of project that happens all the time at CDOT and these are projects that are done to improve our business.  These projects are done by our innovative Team CDOT’ers and could be things like process improvement efforts, technology or system improvements, restructuring, business model changes, or basically anything that improves the business and creates changes that impact our internal and external customers.  

CDOT’s Business Improvement Projects originate in many different areas: Divisions, Regions, task forces, committees, councils and groups.  There are so many different areas where business improvement efforts are ‘born’ inside CDOT it is truly astounding.  This shows how innovative CDOT’ers truly are when it comes to improving how CDOT works! C2P will work to partner with everyone that sponsors or leads business improvement projects to increase transparency as well as offer a wide range of services.

Who C2P benefits and includes

Diagram displaying the different groups that C2P projects originate from

Why C2P?  

Why does CDOT need a program for its business improvement projects? Many of CDOT’s business improvement projects struggle to produce their intended outcomes due to a wide variety of causes.  These can range from lack of sponsorship, lack of project management experience or awareness of basic project management tools, lack of change management or simply timing of a project.  C2P will help business improvement leaders work through challenges and provide them with tools, resources, training, consultation, mentorship and networking opportunities.  

how C2P benefits CDOT employees

Diagram of how C2P benefits you

At CDOT, currently, no one really understands how many business improvements that are currently underway or planned for the future.  This has resulted in redundant efforts and this lack of information impacts business decisions.  C2P will provide a central location that will list all of CDOT’s business improvements as well as allow for an easy to use dashboard and this will create transparency for everyone at CDOT.  

Additionally, the hundreds of business improvements that are underway create a lot of changes to how CDOT’ers work and how our customers interact with us.  C2P will support all the roles within CDOT in times of change.  C2P wants to ensure that everyone impacted by change is successful with that change.    

To address these issues, Sally Chafee, CDOT’s Chief of Staff and C2P’s Primary Sponsor, brought together a team to work toward improving how CDOT supports its business improvement project teams with a main goal of increasing the success of CDOT’s business improvement projects.  Additionally, Sally and the C2P’s Sponsor Coalition values having a central location that would increase the transparency of CDOT’s business improvement projects and increasing CDOT’s competency in change as well as increasing CDOT’s capacity for change.       

What are the Key Benefits for CDOT’s Employees, Supervisors, Business Improvement Project Teams and Leaders?

The C2P Project Team wants to ensure that C2P provides value to all of CDOT.  Read on to find out how C2P will help YOU in your roles at CDOT!  



Business Improvement Project Leaders and Change Managers


Meet the C2P Project Team  

The C2P project team is a diverse, cross-functional team with decades of combined experience in engineering, IT, change management, project management, leadership, maintenance, operations, and most importantly, in CDOT!

C2P Project Team:

C2P Sponsor Team:

Hear What People are Saying About C2P

“From experience, I know project and change management can be difficult.  And, it can be so easy to get stuck. So, I am very excited to provide the C2P services for CDOT’ers to help them deliver successful business improvements.  Also, these projects tend to create changes for all CDOT’ers.  I am looking forward to continuing to work with all roles in CDOT to ensure that everyone impacted by change is successful with that change.” - Michelle Malloy, Senior Program Manager, C2P Program Leader

Michelle Malloy
Richard Zamora

“As we all know, CDOT is a big organization and has a lot of simultaneous business improvement projects occurring at any given point in time.  In fact, there's so many activities happening at the same time that many employees may not even be aware that something they're struggling with is being worked on somewhere else in the organization.  That’s why I am looking forward to C2P’s Business Improvement Project List.  This effort will help ensure all of the cross-cutting projects will have visibility and we can leverage our resources more effectively.” -  Richard Zamora, RTD Director, C2P Sponsor Team Member

“C2P ties right into our enduring CDOT Values, especially our Excellence Value, which pledges all of us to be “continuously improving our products and services”. And, it’s not enough to just say that – we need methods and assistance to help us with that, and that is exactly what C2P is! It helps all of us determine the resources and tools that assist us with that continuous improvement. And, C2P also supports all of us with CDOT Customer Value, which encourages us to 'work together and with others to respond effectively to our customer’s needs', and C2P helps with that, too, by providing the transparency that we all want and need for the improvement projects underway." -  Gary Vansuch, Director of Process Improvement and C2P Sponsor Coalition Member

Gary Vansuch
Sally Chafee

"At CDOT, we strive to constantly improve our services, and C2P  is no exception. C2P will provide significant value to CDOT employees and provide our teams and leadership better insights into all the improvements happening across the agency. We all know there can be bottlenecks and what seems like unnecessary steps in our business processes. C2P will help break down our department and team silos so that we can all benefit from cross-functional business improvements and  help to ensure CDOT is meeting its WIGs and overall goals” - Sally Chafee, Chief of Staff, C2P Sponsor Member

Stay tuned!

Most of the C2P Hub will be released in early August.  However, the Concept List, Project List and corresponding dashboards are still in the oven!  The team is working hard to pull together all of the project data on all the current business improvement projects.  We estimate that these lists and corresponding dashboards will be released sometime in October.  Please feel free to visit the C2P Hub now, however, and know we will add more information in the near future.  We can’t wait to have you start utilizing all of the great C2P services!

If you have any questions regarding C2P, please feel free to contact C2P’s Program Leader Michelle Malloy at