Improved Web-based Mapping Provides Faster, Easier Access to GIS Information

William Johnson and Gary Aucott, Division of Transportation Development (DTD)

August 19, 2013

What was improved, briefly

CPLAN is a new web-based mapping and informational tool that makes it faster and easier for the public to access Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) maps and related information. CPLAN currently has 6 “theme” maps that are instantly available to users on CPLAN: if a user were to attempt to recreate these maps on their own through data gathering, processing, and analyzing publicly-available data, it would take that person at least 19 hours to do this.

Additionally, CPLAN reduces the cost of government: CDOT’s cost to maintain the information in CPLAN is approximately 20% lower than the prior method for maintaining this important data.




CDOT partnered with the Governor’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) to apply Lean principles in improving customer service and efficiency in the delivery of CDOT “geographic information system” (GIS) data.  The result of this partnership is CPLAN, a new web-based mapping and informational tool designed to make it faster and easier for the public access to CDOT maps and related information.  CDOT geographic data “layers” pertaining to the Colorado Statewide Transportation Plan (SWP) are visible in CPLAN, along with similar data provided by other resource agencies.

Key users of CPLAN include CDOT’s planning partners; environmental resource and regulatory agencies; city and county governments; transit agencies; bike and pedestrian organizations; other transportation planning organizations; and the general public.

While this data has been available in the past, CPLAN has greatly improved access to this data: