Improved Accident Reporting System Enhances Access

Kathy Gallegos, Office of Transportation Safety

Posted: June 21, 2013

What was improved, briefly

The Colorado Department of Transportation's (CDOT’s) new “Online Accident Reporting System” streamlines the accident reporting process. This streamlining eliminates manual and dual data entry, thereby reducing the cost of government by over $10,000 annually. And, access to this system has been greatly improved since it is now available using mobile devices. Additionally, other State of Colorado agencies have capitalized on using this improvement, and CDOT is currently working with the State’s Office of Risk Management to implement this system statewide.


CDOT’s Risk Management staff (within the Office of Transportation Safety) has created a new computer application that allows CDOT supervisors to enter data about an accident or incident related to employee or citizen directly into the safety database.  This application, called the “Online Accident Reporting System”, has been full since February 2013.  This system enables CDOT to maximize the use of technology and streamlines the entire accident reporting process.  Dual data entry by the CDOT Risk Management office has been eliminated and results in an estimated average time saving of 200 staff-hours per year.  Previously, supervisors needed to manually complete a paper-based Supervisor Investigation Report, print it out and submit it to the Risk Management staff.  Eliminating this manual entry process for these supervisors in CDOT’s regions has also resulted in an estimated additional average time saving of 200 staff-hours per year.  The new system allows mobile reporting, which saves additional money by reducing paper and time, thereby reducing the cost of government. The total savings is over $10,000 annually.

This system is available to all CDOT personnel who submit accident information for Worker’s Compensation or property damage to CDOT Risk Management.  Entering the information electronically into the Online Accident Reporting System eliminates the need to spend time trying to decipher illegible handwriting.   Dual data entry is also eliminated since the information arrives into the CDOT Risk Management office electronically and allows the Risk Management coordinator more time to deliver expedited medical services to CDOT injured co-workers.  Faster processing equals faster recovery of funds, reducing the impact on the department’s operations.  This process will help to eliminate duplication efforts and the need for the accident report to be handled by multiple people.

Accident information can now be entered into the Online Accident Reporting System via any desktop computer or the portable device such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones.  This capability speeds up the process for the CDOT representative to report accidents in a timely manner reducing the possibility of late reporting penalties.

Another State of Colorado agencies has capitalized on using this system in the same or slightly-modified format. CDOT’s Risk Management staff is currently working with the State Office of Risk Management to The creation and implementation of this new streamlined system supports Governor Hickenlooper’s efforts to make government more effective, efficient and elegant.