ESCAN Yield Savings of $420,000

Tom Boyce, Division of Transportation Development (DTD)

Posted: July 25, 2013

What was improved, briefly

A major software application integration project developed ways to improve data collection and report generation. This Project resulted in over $420,000 of annual savings and also decreased errors in data collection.


The Division of Transportation Development (DTD) uses the Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Notebook (“ESCAN”) computer application to track thousands of transportation project inspections that are required by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

As part of this, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Inspectors enter and download inspection results into the ESCAN database via a field notebook for analysis, tracking, and reporting. Previously, a consultant hosted the ESCAN application on an external computer server. Additionally, the application was not integrated with CDOT’s primary system of record, known as SAP. Due to this, accessing data in ESCAN and generating useful reports had been difficult and time-consuming.

ESCAN Control

Erosion and Sediment Control Assessment Notebook (“ESCAN”)

CDOT partnered with the Governor’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) on an improvement project that applied Lean principles to this issue, in order to make accessing ESCAN data more user-friendly and less time-consuming. The improvements to ESCAN have resulted in many benefits, including these:

Key Benefits

This savings includes:

-10 Hours savings for generation of Annual Report   10 X 42.60 = $426/yr.

-48 staff-days per year in trips to Region files for verification of data for CDPHE:   48 X 8 X 42.60 = $16,360/year.