Customer Experience Process Keeps Moving On

By Troy Morrison, TM-I for Patrol 08 at Colorado Springs, Pueblo Maintenance Section 4, Region 2

Troy is participating in a cross-training program with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Office of Communications.

July 17, 2014 

The Customer Experience/Lean project that began in February to develop a strategy for improving the customer experience for external CDOT customers continues to make progress, focused on delivering an easily accessible customer experience that includes accurate and prompt responses to customers and provides a one-stop, personalized point of contact. 

The eleven-member process improvement team (see the chart below) began by examining the current methods of handling customer inquiries, complaints, and comments; the timeliness and accuracy of response; and any other potential areas for improvement in CDOT’s customer service process. 

is customer experience the priority?

It wasn't as if CDOT didn't already have a good foundation in this area.  “CDOT has long been well regarded by the public for our level of customer service," noted Amy Ford, CDOT Director of Communications and the project's primary sponsor.  "During the Lean project, we wanted to consider whether there were opportunities to build on our approach, whether we're doing it right at the present time, and to look at how we can reduce workload for folks around the state with a more efficient process.”

The process team has a major goal of empowering customer service providers, through technology and training, with the skills and responsibility to respond to customer issues.

The team has identified numerous items that could be streamlined and improved in the current process, some of which are listed below:

The team has developed a four-phase strategy for improving and streamlining the customer service process with the goal of providing a timely, satisfactory and consistent response to customers 100% of the time. All four phases will need to be accomplished before the new customer service process is implemented.

It is anticipated that the implementation of phase one, the identification and training of customer service representatives, will begin in early 2015. Once all phases are completed and tested the new customer service program will be implemented.

CDOT Process Improvement Director Gary Vansuch pointed out the importance of this Lean effort in meeting one of CDOT's six strategic goals.  "One of our six strategic focus areas is to 'Improve business processes for better customer service and efficiency.'  This particular improvement project is directly tackling better customer service.  Lean, at its very core, has two guiding principles:  first, continuous improvement, and second, respect for people, especially for our customers.  This project addresses both of those areas, and I applaud everyone who is engaged in this effort to improve our customers' experiences with CDOT."

Customer experience project team names and description