An Employee Suggestion Success Story: Carpooling to CDOT Trainings

By Vivian Engen, Process Improvement & Change Management Intern

December 21, 2018

On November 15, 2018, Andi Staley, a Professional Engineer II from Grand Junction submitted a suggestion to the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Lean Everyday Ideas program. Her suggestion identified a pain point that she’d encountered while attending CDOT trainings. This is the problem she identified: “Multiple people who work or live near each other traveling to training separately.” Her suggestion to solve the problem was to allow training registrants to view who else is registered for the same class so that they can coordinate carpooling prior to the training session. Her thought was to change the access or data visible to training registrants on LMS so that people who work or live near each other can make plans to carpool before the session. 

On November 28, 2018, the Lean Everyday Ideas team facilitated an email conversation between Andi and Anjanette Sagona, the chosen subject matter expert who could talk about the feasibility of implementing this suggestion at CDOT. 

Check out the roadmap below to follow the journey of Andi’s suggestion: 

Visual roadmap depicting Andi's idea from start to implementation - slide 1
Visual roadmap depicting Andi's idea from start to implementation - slide 2

Within one month of Andi submitting her suggestion to improve carpooling option for CDOT employees to trainings, her idea was fully implemented and live on CDOT’s Learning Lane website. Once the suggestion was implemented, the Lean Everyday Ideas team also created an idea card to highlight the improvement. Check out Andi’s implemented idea and others here.