Physical Education - BTEC

GCSE physical Education - BTEC

Examination Board: Pearson

Who to speak to:

Mr Nicholls

WHY SHOULD STUDENTS CHOOSE physical education?

You should study BTEC Sport if you enjoy your PE lessons and have a passion for sport and physical activities.

This is a vocational course, where you will develop your knowledge and understanding of a practical subject by applying your learning and skills in a work-related context.

BTEC sport will give you the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.


You should take part in sport/recreation outside of class time in a number of different activities.

You will want to follow a course that develops knowledge and understanding through practical involvement.

You will be interested in the physiological and psychological impacts of sport and exercise.

You will have a desire to improve practical sports skills.


This course is suitable for students of all abilities. Depending on the cohort of students, assignment modules and briefs can be tailored to individuals. We also look at educational trips to facilitate students learning in a practical environment. During Unit 1 we run personalised intervention and support at lunch.

Course DEscription and Content

You will study a mixture of academic theory with applied vocational practice which aims to develop your knowledge and practical skills.

You will complete three Mandatory Units, which are Fitness for Sport and Exercise, Practical Sport Performance, and Applying the Principles of Personal Training. You will then complete an additional optional module, which is currently The Sports Performer in Action.


The first unit is externally assessed through an online exam which is 25% of the final mark. The exam can be re-taken once, with the best mark being carried through.

The remaining 75% of the course is broken into three different assignment based modules, each contributing 25% to the overall mark. The content can be assessed using various methods to meet the needs of all students and to ensure a wide variety of skills are developed.

They are listed below;

  • Data analysis

  • Reports

  • Interview

  • Practical observation

  • Case studies

  • Presentations


Post 16 opportunities from studying BTEC Sport include Level 3 Nationals in Sport or Sport and Exercise Sciences, A level PE, and, in due course, to enter employment in the sport and active leisure sector.