Physical Education

GCSE physical Education

Examination Board: OCR

Who to speak to: 

Mr Nicholls

WHY SHOULD STUDENTS CHOOSE physical education?

You should study GCSE Physical Education (PE) if you enjoy your PE lessons and have a passion for sport and physical activities.

This is a practical and engaging course that prepares you for further study of PE or sports science courses as well as other related subject areas such as psychology, sociology and biology.

You will also develop the transferable skills that are in demand by further education, Higher Education and employers in all sectors of industry.

You will learn how to become confident, an independent thinker and an effective decision maker who can operate effectively as an individual or as part of a team – all the skills that will enable you to stand out and effectively promote yourselves as you progress through life.


You should take part in sport/recreation outside of class time in a number of different activities; 

You will want to follow a course that develops knowledge and understanding through practical involvement;

You will be interested in the physiological and psychological impacts of sport and exercise; 

You will have a desire to improve practical sports skills. 


This course is suitable for students of all abilities. We will continue to offer a range of extracurricular sporting activities to support students in their practical development. We have developed a range of resources to support and facilitate our learners across all aspects of the course. Throughout the course, we run two drop-in sessions, where students have the opportunity to gain further support in smaller groups. Closer to the examinations we offer additional personalised intervention sessions.

Course DEscription and Content

Students will have an additional five lessons of Physical Education per fortnight. The structure of these lessons consists of three theory lessons and two practical lessons.

In Year 10 you will explore how parts of the human body function during physical activity and the physiological adaptations that can occur due to diet and training. You will also develop skills in data analysis and develop an understanding of the principles of training, why you train in different ways and how training plans can be made to optimise results. At the end of Year 10 you will produce a controlled piece of work, which analyses your performance in a selected sport.

In Year 11 you will learn about the social-cultural and psychological influences on levels of participation in sport and how sport impacts society more broadly. This includes the individual benefits to health, fitness, and well-being of participating in physical activity, as well as the influences of commercialisation, sponsorship, and the media.


There are two written exams. Both are an hour long with a mixture of multiple-choice, short and long answer questions.  The result of this is 60% of the final mark, 30% for each exam.

You are practically assessed in three activities. One will need to be an individual sport, one a team sport, and then another sport. The result of this is 30% of the final mark, 10% per sport.

The performance analysis task is a research-based project that is written up and completed under controlled conditions. The result of this is 10% of the final mark.


Immediate courses post 16 include - A Level Physical Education and Btec Level 3 in Sport

Further education opportunities include sports coaching, officiating, sport and nutrition, strength and conditioning, personal trainer, and physiotherapy.