Curriculum Overview

the KEy stage 4 Curriculum

Students have a wide range of subjects to choose from which will enable them to personalise their curriculum so they can spend more time in the subjects they enjoy. These subjects may or may not be linked to future ambitions, but we aim to ensure that students are happy and develop the skills to help them become world class citizens in a global economy. In essence, students will be studying 4 options, alongside their core subjects. We want students to make choices that provide them with a broad and balanced set of qualifications, that will keep their options open as they move into the next phase of their education/training.

In order to ensure that students are studying a varied curriculum, students must select one option from the following: history, geography, Spanish or German. These subjects provide excellent progression opportunities to a variety of qualifications at A-Level and beyond. They are considered to be subjects of extremely high value in helping to ensure all students study a broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 4. Students will then study 3 further options.

Whilst many schools offer a curriculum whereby nearly all students study what is known as the 'EBacc', where students must study at least 1 language and a humanity, we believe this is a choice for you and your child. For information on the 'EBacc' please click here.