MFL - Languages

GCSE languages

Examination Board: AQA

Watch the video to the right to find out about GCSE German & Spanish

Who to speak to:

Mrs Miteska

WHY SHOULD STUDENTS study languages?

Top 10 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

1. Boosts brain power.

2. Improves memory. 

3. Enhances the ability to multi-task.

4. Sharpens the mind.

5. Improves holiday experiences.

6. Enhances decision-making.

7. The first language is improved. 

8. Improves performance in other academic areas.

9. Increases networking skills.

10. Provides better career choices.

Did you know? - English is one of the great global languages of the 21st century, but it will only take us so far.  Only 6% of the world’s population speak English as a first language and 80% of the world’s population does not speak English at all. More than 300 languages and dialects are spoken across London alone.


A desire to learn new vocabulary and a willingness to develop their communication skills in their chosen language. 

Students need to be willing to work hard and commit to independent learning and consistent focus in class! They need to already have an interest in language learning and enjoy looking for patterns, problem solving and apply rules to get to grips with grammar.


Students are supported in class and during intervention sessions.  Students will either study the foundation course or the higher course.

Course DEscription

GCSE follows on naturally from KS3, with a wider range of topics.  The specification covers three distinct themes and students are expected to understand and provide information on these themes.

Course Content

Students will build on the learning they have done in Key Stage 3 and further their knowledge across three themes: people and lifestyle, popular culture and communication and the world around us.

Theme 1: People and lifestyle

Theme 1 covers the following three topics:

Theme 2: Popular culture

Theme 2 covers the following three topics:

Theme 3: Communication and the world around us

Theme 3 covers the following three topics:


Students are assessed in the four skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. They will be entered for Higher or Foundation across all skills. There is no mixed modern Foreign Languages tiered entry.

Listening exam 25%: students sit the Listening paper at the end of the course.

Reading exam 25%: students sit the Reading paper at the end of the course.

Speaking exam 25%: students sit the Speaking exam at the end of the course.

Writing exam 25%: students sit a Writing exam at the end of the course. 


Students can continue their studies in any of the languages at A-level (colleges usually require at least a GCSE Grade 6 in the subject). A qualification in Modern Languages is hugely beneficial for any career choice. The practical skill of communicating in a foreign language is just one of the assets. Cultural awareness of how a society operates and does business is hugely valuable in the work environment. Knowledge of foreign languages will open doors for you and can lead you to experiences and career paths that otherwise wouldn’t be available to you. The adventure starts here.