
Language and Literature

GCSE English language & Literature

Compulsory Subject

Examination Board: AQA

WHY SHOULD STUDENTS study English Lang & Lit?

The study of English allows you to explore the language in which you think and speak. By the end of the course we hope you will feel confidence and enjoyment in using the most flexible and influential language in the world! We focus on embedding transferable skills and broadening the horizons of your knowledge.


Students will need to infer and deduce information from a range of unseen texts as well as undertaken an in-depth study of several key texts throughout these two years. Our focus on skills and comprehension will benefit you across many subject areas and your life after school.


Students will be encouraged to work both independently and in groups to plan and create different pieces of fiction and non-fiction writing. Students will be supported via teacher feedback on both their written work and their spoken presentation skills. Additional English session will be offered to students who wish to develop their skills or have specific questions relating to the course of study.

Course DEscription

The course will lead to two separate GCSEs: one in English Language (AQA 8700) and one in English Literature (AQA 8702).

Students will analyse the purpose and effect of specific language choices, using direct references to the text to support their point and viewpoint. These skills will need to be further demonstrated in creative writing, which will also be marked for spelling, punctuation and grammar. In this section of their examination, students will be required to show that they can themselves infer, using language imaginatively.

Students will need to explore and discuss a range of literary texts, analysing the language, form and structure used by the author. The students will be asked to interpret the meaning of texts, whilst simultaneously understanding and evaluating the interpretations of others.


Achievement in English Language and Literature will be graded from 1-9, with 9 being the highest level.

    • Spoken Language is awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction grading.

    • English Language comprises two final exams, without tiers; there will be no coursework or controlled assessment.

    • Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing (1 hour 45 minutes)

    • Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives (1 hour 45 minutes)

    • Spoken Language (formerly Speaking and Listening) will be assessed and reported separately and given a 0% weighting.

English Literature comprises two final exams, without tiers; closed book; there will be no coursework or controlled assessment.

    • Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel (1 hour 45 minutes)

    • Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry (2 hours 15 minutes)

Course Content

English Language will involve exploring and producing non-fiction; understanding and analysing prose fiction; and writing creatively. You will study texts from a variety of genres and eras.

English Literature will involve reading and responding to Shakespeare and contemporary drama; studying ‘classic’ novels and more recent novels from other cultures; understanding and analysing a wide range of poems from the power and conflict anthology.


English opens the door to most career pathways and is a prerequisite of most university courses. The A-levels that are directly supported by GCSE English Language are:

    • English Language

    • English Literature

    • English Language with Literature

    • Creative Writing

    • Media Studies

English is also the foundational qualification for a host of other career choices and apprenticeships. The skills that you develop and perfect in English will serve you well for the rest of your life.