Yearbook & Rampage

Yearbook Editor Awards

Nicole Dietzenbach


Meghan Wilson


Taylor Redenius

Coverage Editor

Hello! My name is Kristin Behrens, and I am an English and Journalism teacher. I would like to honor this year’s yearbook editors, Nicole Dietzenbach and Meghan Wilson, and our coverage editor, Taylor Redenius.

I first had the pleasure of meeting Nicole and Meghan as students in my English I class. I knew that there was something special about both, and was ecstatic when they opted to enroll in Yearbook the following year. In the three years that they have been members of yearbook, they have been involved in all facets of the publication--they have interviewed, designed, edited, and taken an abundance of photos. These two are honestly some of the most creative, detail-oriented, and compassionate people I have encountered.

Nicole and Meghan are both individuals who I am beyond grateful to know. Nicole is one of the most organized, meticulous people that I know. If there is any task, I know that I can absolutely count on her to not only do as I ask--but also to far exceed my expectations. She has spent a countless amount of hours in the journalism room or at home working on publications, and, for this, I’m eternally grateful. Meghan has an amazing eye for design, and is a wonderful artist. I know that she will put such a unique, creative spin on any layout. She always aims to make spreads look vibrant and eye-catching, and I am so grateful for that!

As our coverage editor, Taylor is consistently focused on how we can be a more inclusive publication. She continually checks out our “coverage report” to see how we can feature each of the students in our school as many times as possible. I created this role with her specifically in mind; she has such a warm, welcoming personality, and she truly wants everyone to feel included. She joined yearbook as a freshman, and I am so grateful that she did. She is a great asset to the staff.

Nicole, Meghan, and Taylor have all impacted this publication in a multitude of different ways. These three bright women are such positive leaders. They have helped the yearbook flourish, and I am grateful for their diligence and dedication to their work. Yet beyond that, I am eternally grateful for the impact that they have left on my life. Although I will dearly miss them next year, I cannot wait to see what is to come in their lives. Regardless of what may happen, I am certain that they will have a profound impact on the lives of others.

Thank you for your incredible work, Nicole, Meghan, and Taylor! I love you all!

Rampage Editor Award

Hannah Plummer-Cummings


Merdith Vorwerk


My name is Shannon Boshart and I teach language arts and journalism. I am privileged to honor this year’s editors-in-chief of Rampage, Southeast Polk’s student-run newspaper, Hannah Plummer-Cummings and Meredith Vorkwerk. Their contributions to Rampage helped members of the student body understand how powerful storytelling can unite a community. I met these two outstanding young women as freshmen. Over the years, I have watched them grow into intelligent, caring, thoughtful journalists and people.

Hannah is an incredibly strong person. She is the human embodiment of the line, “though she be but little, she is fierce.” She uses this power to find her own path, a characteristic that I greatly admire in her. Despite her independence, she understands that when people work together, they are able to accomplish more and better things. In her role, she helped younger members of the staff improve as writers. She is a loyal friend who is genuinely committed to the happiness of the people in her life.

Meredith has the kind of energy that you can feel when she walks into the room. She successfully commanded the attention of our staff during monthly planning meetings and beyond (which is not an easy feat in a room full of teenagers). Meredith is kind and funny and dedicated to her pursuits inside and outside of the classroom. She showed me how to take risks with grace and that it’s never too late to try something new. She pushed other staff members to try new things as well and improved everyone’s experience as a result.

Thank you for the work you have put into publishing Rampage this year. The stories about the Southeast Polk community you helped tell made our school a better place. I will miss both of you very much.

Quill and Scroll Members

Quill and Scroll is the international honor society for high school journalists. Founded in 1926 at the University of Iowa, Quill and Scroll aims to honor and recognize individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic publication.

Members of this honor society must maintain a GPA of at least a 3.5 and be a member of a student publication for at least one year. After graduation, these students are attending various colleges to pursue careers in education, the health sciences, the arts, and of course media. This year’s graduating Quill and Scroll members spent countless hours planning and producing their respective publications.

Nicole Dietzenbach

Sadie McKinney

Jasmin Mendoza

Madelyn Northway

Liz Pierce

Hannah Plummer-Cummings

Abbie Sesker

Meredith Vorwerk

Meghan Wilson