Outstanding Senior in Business Education

Meredith Vorwerk

This year when selecting a student for the Outstanding Business Student Award, we considered several factors. We considered courses taken and achievements in those courses, but we also looked at involvement outside of classes, overall character of the student, and plans after graduation. With these criteria in mind, one student really stood out to us, and that student was Meredith Vorwerk. Meredith has taken several business classes, but more than that she has been incredibly involved in DECA, our business and marketing student organization. Meredith has taken on many leadership roles throughout high school, and is most recently enrolled in a new course where she is partnering with local businesses to complete projects for them. This class has really allowed Meredith to shine and to showcase her passions. She has been an incredibly valuable leader, teammate, communicator, and problem-solver. We are so proud of Meredith and her accomplishments in high school. She has a really bright future at Iowa's Tippie College of Business as she majors in marketing and works her way into the business world. Congratulations Meredith - we were so fortunate to have you in our classes and in DECA!