Outstanding Senior in Spanish

Olivia Laube

Congratulations to Olivia Laube, our Senior of the Year in Spanish!

Olivia has shown excellence in and dedication to learning Spanish throughout the year. She plans to minor in Spanish in college. She has been to Costa Rica on multiple mission trips. She hopes to work in missions or church work someday, and should be able to use her Spanish in this work.

Olivia will be awarded the Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation, having demonstrated that she can understand, speak, read, and write well in Spanish. Olivia has been gifted with intelligence, and she has put that intelligence into practice with Spanish well, but, Olivia also has had the work ethic to put in the time and effort to learn it and master the details. She has a heart to serve others with her gifts and with her Spanish, and we are proud to announce that Olivia is the recipient of this award.