Update #8 - November 29, 2021

Upcoming Dates of Interest

New Teacher Seminars - December and January

As we shared during our November 3, 2021, New Teacher Seminar, the next couple of months of seminars will look a bit different.

November Schoology Discussion - The discussion board is open for posting by November 30, 2021.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - New Teacher Seminar will be VIRTUAL via Zoom at 5:00 PM and will be approximately one hour in length. (The Zoom link is on the seminar page)

January New Teacher Seminar - We will not hold a full group event on January 5, 2022. Instead, Dr. Maher and Heather Husk will be traveling to schools to meet with new teachers in small groups throughout the month

We want to respect your time and schedules, so please look for the proposed schedule in an upcoming New Teacher Update!

November New Teacher Seminar Follow-Up

Exit Slip Follow-Up Questions and Answers (Part 2)

Based on your questions from the exit slips on November 3, 2021, supervisors, presenters, facilitators, and other stakeholders took some time to provide you with this first round of answers. More questions and answers appeared in the November 15, 2021, New Teacher Update.

Student Services

How do we deal with students' difficult situations? 

Reach out to your school's mental health providers - counselors, school psychologists, social workers, and pupil personnel workers (PPW) to talk about specific concerns and problem-solve. As a general rule, you can provide trauma-sensitive supports to all students, as they are helpful to everyone. Be consistent and predictable to create a sense of safety, build relationships by getting to know students as people, and by letting them know you as a person too. Teacher the expectations and procedures for your classroom and review these regularly, teach self-regulation and social-emotional skills. Again, reach out for help and ideas about how to incorporate these practices into your classroom.

How can we prevent student burnout?

Do what you can to keep yourselves from burning out first. Take time for relationship-building and calming practices. Reach out to your mentor for ideas about how to incorporate movement, games, and collaborative work into your lessons.

What mental health resources are available for students and staff?   

We have a mental health button on the SMCPS homepage and each school homepage. That button will take you to the Google site (linked below) that we have for an all-in-one place for four different groups related to mental health and wellness: Elementary Students, Secondary Students, Staff, and Parents.

Google sites are also listed in the Schoology dashboards. We utilize a tiered system of support to meet the mental health needs of students. Here is a LINK to the triangle of supports.

How do I incorporate unsupportive families?   

Check out this resource on Engaging Families in Early Grades

Reach out to your PPW, administrators, and counselors for background knowledge and support. To gain engagement and build a relationship, try sending two emails per week to the family including only a short positive comment about their child. Do not include reminders about class procedures, missing work, etc. Check with your schools' Tier 1 MTSS/PBIS team leader for more information about this idea.


When will there be another LETRS training? 

We have a couple of spots for LETRS 1-4, Cohort B available this spring. We are working on summer dates and will offer them again in the fall and spring of next year. Keep an eye out for information to be shared in the Literacy Latest through your IRTs.

What are the recovery options for students who failed in the first marking period? 

There are options for student recovery. Your administration will share the process determined for your school. The general guidelines for options can be viewed HERE.

How can I have more collaborative time at my school? 

Ask your administrator for collaborative planning time. There may be limitations during the school day due to substitute teacher coverage, but there are limited funds for after-school collaborative planning if requested in advance.

Special Education

What advice would you give me on case management and keeping track of paperwork?

Create a working folder for each student on your caseload. try using a document like THIS stapled to each student folder to keep track of necessary components of the IEP Process. These documents give you information on your responsibilities and steps to take in the development of the IEP and the reevaluation processes. Case Manager Responsibilities - Annual Review and Case Manager Responsibilities - Reevaluation

What are different ways to track data/progress monitoring? 

You can find printable and customizable resources HERE.


Could we have further SLO sessions to explain the next steps? 

Yes, absolutely! By the time the next seminar is scheduled, you will be preparing for your mid-year SLO review. 

An observation is one day, one lesson, for 45 minutes. How does that show my teaching style when my day with students is a lot longer? 

Your observation is just a snapshot and gives the evaluator an idea as to how your teaching is going on a bigger scale. Evaluators may also conduct informal walkthroughs where they can get a sense of your teaching. Also, by reviewing your instructional data, they can get a sense of your teaching style.

What will be expected in my post-observation conference? 

Please refer to the post-observation conference form which you can find HERE. You will be expected to talk about the topics on this form. Your evaluator may ask you to rate yourself on the rubric based on the lesson.

What happens if I don't do well on my observation? 

Your evaluator will provide you feedback and you can request another observation (in addition to the ones that are required) if you would like to do it again.

After my observation, what happens next? How does my evaluation affect me as a teacher? 

Non-tenured teachers are observed two times a year, by two evaluators, which counts as four observations. You will receive a mid-year evaluation by January 30, 2022, which is an overall rating of the first four TPAS domains. You will receive an end-of-year evaluation by the end of the last teacher work day of the school year which will be an overall rating of all five TPAS domains. A teacher who may have received a less than satisfactory rating at any time during the year may work with their evaluator to develop a plan of support (formally known as a Plan of Assistance) to help develop the skills indicated for support.

Articles of Interest

Early Childhood: How Preschool Teachers Can Reclaim a Sense of Joy and Purpose by Megan Tavares, Edutopia

Co-teaching: Coteaching Commitments That Build Collaboration by Tan Huynh, MiddleWeb

New Teachers: Curated Advice New Teachers Need Now by MiddleWeb

Student Engagement: Making PE More Enjoyable for Students with Physical Disabilities by Nicole Maloney and Melissa Winchell, Edutopia

Social-Emotional Learning: Compassion - A Teacher's Greatest Learning Tool by Carla Tischio, ASCD

November Mentor Meeting Topics


Lesson Timelines

Reading Strategies

Online Resources



SLO Data


Lesson Timelines

Instructional Strategies

Online Resources


Report Cards/Grading

SLO Data

2021-2022 Superintendent's Book Study

This year, Dr. Smith and Dr. Montgomery are hosting an optional monthly book study discussion with What Great Teachers Do Differently by Todd Whitaker. The in-person discussions will take place in the Board of Education meeting room at the SMCPS Moakley Street offices. 

Simply come to the discussion ready to share your thoughts about the chapters for that month.

The next live discussion is on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, at 7:00 AM. The topic will be Chapters 7-9: Students First. Click on the button below to sign up. 

Dr. Smith's Classroom Visits

Dr. Smith would LOVE to visit you in your classrooms and participate in an active experience with you and your students. 

This is not an observation or evaluation. It is optional. This is an opportunity for Dr. Smith to get into classrooms and for you to share your classroom. The choice of date and time and yours! No surprise pop in!

There are currently time slots available through December! Just take a moment to fill in your information in this SHEET and you will receive an email confirmation as the date approaches.

This is an OPTIONAL activity and is not required of any new teacher. There are still times available this month, so check out the sheet to see if any of your building colleagues have already "claimed" a day.

New Teacher Seminars

New Teacher Seminars will take place on the first Wednesday of each month. The next seminar is on Wednesday, December 1, 2021. 

This seminar will be VIRTUAL beginning at 5:00 PM on Zoom. The agenda, details, and links will be published through the New Teacher Seminar page on the SMCPS Induction Site. The information will be updated and finalized by the Monday prior to the event. 

Google Calendar invitations have been sent to your SMCPS email address to secure the dates in your school calendar. If you have not received a calendar invite, contact Heather Husk at hlhusk@smcps.org

FAQ: Will in-person seminars also be available to attend virtually? No, the in-person seminars are not available for participants to log in remotely. 

New Teacher Schoology Course

In addition to the SMCPS Induction Site, the New Teacher Support Schoology Course will be available to access resources throughout the school year. To assist new teachers with tracking their participation, the "grade book" will indicate the completed required elements of the induction program

Each month, New Teacher Seminars will be followed up with a discussion within Schoology. 

If you have not already joined the course, please use the code below.

Join this course 


TPAS Domain Rubrics

As you are each experiencing your first round of observations, please be aware of the Teacher Performance Assessment System (TPAS) rubric as it will be used to provide feedback to you from your observers. Each month at New Teacher Seminar will focus on various components within the Teacher Performance Assessment System (TPAS) rubrics. Classroom observations will generally focus on Domains 1-3 and your SLO will focus on Domain 5. Domain 4 is an evaluation of your all-around professional responsibilities. Links to each of the rubrics for each domain are located below.

The Signal

Have you seen the Signal? The Signal is the bi-weekly newsletter from SMCPS for all staff. It includes important information for all staff, and has a few professional articles for your reading as well.  Take a look - www.smcps.org/signal